On 2nd September we, P. Eugenio, Mathews and Piero, left Italy for South Korea in view of entering officially in Taiwan on the 12th September. This would then be the historical date in which the Consolata Missionaries would formalize their presence and consequently open their new mission in Taiwan.
God is great! On the 12th September, we finally arrived safely in Taipei, the capital city of Taiwan, where we were warmly received by Sr. Leonela (the Bishop’s secretary) together with another kind employee of the Bishop’s house (Emilly). The two lead straight to Hsinchu city which is a distance of one hour from Taipei. On arrival at the Bishop’s residence, we were warmly received by the Bishop (Lee) who eventually accompanied us to our quarters.
Once left on our own, we had to start figuring out all the necessities for our start, and believe me, that was fun as well as challenging. God has been good to us and so far so good.
Here below are some of the photos showing our arrival, the opening Mass (which will remain historical to us with respect to the mission in Taiwan), the very first shopping of the very basic necessities of living, the welcoming dinner by the Bishop, etc.

Arrival at the Airport (Taipei) – Warmly received by Sr. Leonela:

Sor Leonila nos acoge en Taipei

We really felt cared for at our arrival since we were all strangers in this land. We were wondering how to communicate and ask for direction to the diocese just in case no one came for us. We are so grateful to the Bishop for his warm reception through Sr. Leonela.

Opening Mass, presided over by Fr. Eugenio:

During this inaugural Mass, lots of feelings were evident. During the sharing of the readings, it was clear that all of us had mixed feelings: those of joy as well as of fear of the unknown. All these were offered to God in the Altar as a sacrifice so that He might take full control of the new mission.



The first shopping of basic household needs:

Upon arrival in our quarters, we just realized that we had no worker with us; one to cook, wash, clean and arrange our living residence to look like a religious house. We had to rush to the market that very evening in order to pick up all the necesities. It made us contemplate on what our first missionaries had to go through in Kenya at the very beginning. God is great.

Welcoming dinner by Bishop Lee (the bishop of Hsinchu diocese):

From the look of things, our hosting Bishop (Lee) is very happy with our presence in the dioceses. just a day after our arrival he did invite us for a great dinner with the Taiwanese delicacies. in fact this evening one of the priest made a comment that the Bishop rarely does that kind of reception to his guests. indeed we are glad and thankful to God.

We count on your prayers and support for this new Mission. May Our Lady Consolata and the Blessed Joseph Allamano intercede for us all. Amen.


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