A little explanation just to shed some light on the topic of sharing.

According to our IMC Constitution and General directives (121), ”the Superior General or the Vice Superior General ‘or both’ during the six years of their term in office, will make a canonical visitation of all the Regions/Delegations. Canonical visitations afford a suitable time for meetings, reviewing and studying problems, reflection and renewal. At the end of the visitation, the visiting Superior prepares a report for the General Council. Directives are then issued that are binding in the Region/Delegation concerned.”

This is a short explanation of the meaning of the Canonical Visitation but of course there are a lot more of things involved. 

Why Canonical Visitation? As per the explanation above we can sum it up as a moment of Grace. It is a moment of grace because the General Superior and the Vice General Superior (and even the entire Council) finds time to visit the Missionaries working in different parts of the world. They not only come for a meeting but also to know the well-being of the Missionaries, to listen to the experience of each Missionary, to see the work of evangelization being done in that particular country/or area in collaboration with the local Church. It is also a moment to re-unite as one family, a Consolata Missionary family and experience the sense of belonging. What a beautiful moment to have such visitations.


On the 7th of February 2023, the Consolata Missionaries working in Taiwan were glad to receive the grace of hosting the General Superior Fr. Stephano Camerlengo and the Vice General Superior Fr. James Lengarin for Canonical Visitation. 

The two came for a six day visitation which were spent to share with the individual Missionaries, having an assembly meeting in preparation for General Chapter, Visiting the Bishop of Hsinchu Diocese where we work and finally visiting our missions (Parishes) where we minister.

Since our Congregation is preparing for the General Chapter of the year 2023, the visitation began with the General Assembly which involved all Consolata Missionaries working in Asia Continent. In Asia the Consolata Missionaries work in Mongolia, South Korea and in Taiwan (the three countries constitute one Region called the RAS). Given the distance, the assembly was done through Zoom meeting. During the Assembly we deliberated on the issues concerning our congregation and the measures we can take so as to evangelize more efficiently and effectively in this rapidly changing world in terms of technology and other pertinent issues.

Time was taken to reflect on our Charism Ad Gentes; (taking the Good News of Christ to those places where Christ is not yet known) among other issues such as Economy for the mission, vocation animation etc. Our Superiors encouraged us to use whatever we have for the glory of GOD. We have received the grace from GOD and we must pass on that grace to our brothers and sisters.


The Superiors then Visited the Bishop of Hsinchu Diocese under whom we are ministering. The Bishop acknowledged and appreciated our mission (the service in the Parishes and the service to the Diocesan offices). He encouraged us to go ahead with our evangelization of sharing the Consolation of Christ with the people of God.

From there the Superiors proceeded to visit the Parishes where we work (Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish Ximen Jie and St. Joseph Parish Hsinpu, which involves also Hsinfeng Parish). They participated in the Holy Mass as a sign of communion with the Christians and also to introduce themselves to the Christians. The Christians were happy to welcome them in their midst. The Superiors in turn thanked the Christians for welcoming and accepting to work with the Consolata Missionaries. It is beautiful to see the work of GOD continuing and the faith of the Christians getting stronger each day. They then gave the Christians some gifts including the Missionary Rosaries and Crucifixes whereby they urged the Christians to continue praying for us (Missionaries) and to continue to work in collaboration with us for the kingdom of God. 

The Vice Superior explained to the Christians that whenever they pray using the Missionary Rosary it means they are not only praying for themselves but also praying for the whole world since the Missionary Rosary represents the five continents of the world. This means to pray, especially for those people around the world who are experiencing difficulties and challenges such as war and natural catastrophes.

Visiting our Parishes was very important because the Christians not only came to meet and know our Superiors but also they came to understand that the Consolata Missionaries is one big family spread throughout the world (Consecrated men and women called to carry out the mission of Christ throughout the world). They also understood and appreciated the fact that the six Missionaries currently working in Taiwan are not alone and abandoned but the superiors and the entire Institute is concerned about their well-being. As the Consolata Missionaries we humble ourselves to learn from the people, their way of life (culture and customs) then we reflect on what Christ wants of us as far as evangelization is concerned. It is inculturation, how to enculturate the Word of God among the people who have different cultures and beliefs.

In this sense our mission especially in the Asian context is also based on the inter-religious dialogue so as bring out the common understanding on what we believe. The Inter-religious dialogue includes the ”dialogue of life as well as dialogue of religious experience without forgetting the spontaneous cultural exchanges between the foreign priests and the locals. To this end, the Consoata Missionaries are thankful to the local bishop for this opportunity to lean and sharpen our missionary preparedness through the encounter with these complex cultures and diverse religions.”

Our Superiors experienced what the mission in Taiwan involves. They were impressed with the beauty of the mission; although challenging in terms of culture but we find happiness because that is what Christ has called us to do. They encouraged us and said we must move on with courage and even to open more missions whenever possible (especially in the indigenous people of Taiwan). The Word of God must be spread to all people. They urged us to continue to minister to the people with love and to do something new and unique which has a Consolata characteristic as far as faith is concerned.


The Superiors also visited the Major seminary in Taipei City (Catholic Taiwan International Seminary). It is situated next to FUJEN Catholic University. It is in this Catholic University where we study the Chinese language for one year. The Rector of the Seminary welcomed our Superiors well on behalf of the entire seminary staff.


We thank our Superiors for paying us a visit and we pray for them as they carry out this noble and gracious mission. Consolata Missionaries work in all continents of the world, therefore moving around the world visiting all our missions is not an easy task. May God continue to protect our Superiors and give them the strength to continue carrying on the mission of Christ.  May GOD also continue to bless all the Missionaries working in all parts of the world so that we can accomplish the will of GOD.


Having successfully and happily accomplished their mission in Taiwan (Canonical Visit), the Superiors left for Italy on the 12th of February 2023. 


As Consolata Missionaries we rely on the intercession of OUR LADY CONSOLATA, the Mother of God whose Name we bear as CONSOLATA MISSIONARIES. She always keep accompanying us in our journey of evangelization.

We also implore the intercession of Our Blessed Founder JOSEPH ALLAMANO to continue praying for his ‘Children’ (Missionaries). He encouraged us to be first Saints then Missionaries.

Finally we implore the intercession of Blessed CARLO ACUTIS (The lover of the Holy Eucharist and our Protector for the year 2023). May he pray for us that we may love Christ in the Holy Eucharist even more.

We pray for the grace of God to continue governing all the people around the world and we ask for your prayers because the mission is huge and the Missionaries are few. May the will of God be done. God bless you all and protect you at all times.

感謝天主 (Thanks be to GOD)


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