Also called “Hsinfeng Church of Our Lady of the Annunciation”, is a parish in Hsinchu diocese / Hsinchu County, Address No. 289, Xinfeng Road, Xinfeng Township, Hsinchu County. A quick look at the Church building would give the impression that it is a twin parish with our first parish, the Sacred Heart of Jesus parish, in Hsinchu city, or even the century-old church in Chiayi diocese called Shuzaijiao Catholic Church. The architecturally angular church building (symbolizing the eight beatitudes and the eight Chinese virtues). The outside octagonal shape of the church is replicated in the inside part of the church in which is found eight pillars, clearly spelling out the need for the faithful to live according to the spirit of the beatitudes:

  • blessed are the poor in spirit, because the kingdom of heaven is theirs
  • blessed are the mourners, for they will be comforted
  • blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the land
  • blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they be satisfied
  • blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy
  • blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God
  • blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God
  • blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

On the other hand, the eight Chinese virtues are: loyalty (), filial piety (), benevolence () love (), honesty () justice (), harmony (), and peace ().

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Just like the majority of the parishes in Hsinchu diocese, Hsinfeng parish was built by the same Jesuit priest who also build the Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish in Hsinchu downtown. The Church was completed and blessed in 1953. Since the beginning the parish had a consistent number of the faithful, always around 50 or so attendants per Sunday. After the departure of the Jesuits, the parish become under the leadership of the Korean Mission Society; however, following a little situation, the parish was handed over to the Spiritan Missionaries about 10 years ago.

On 6th March 2022, the bishop handed over the parish to the Consolata missionaries. It therefore becomes the 3rd parish under the leadership of the Consolata Missionaries in Hsinchu diocese, Taiwan. Located at about 30 minutes from the Hsinpu parish, it therefore becomes convenient for the same missionaries living in Hsinpu to manage Hsinfeng parish too. To this end, we are grateful to the local bishop who has been the backbone of our survival and growth in Taiwan thus far.

          The parish Sunday mass attendance is averagely 30 people; however, the community spirit is so inspiring. Although majority of the members are advanced in age, there is still a consistent number of younger members who are the hope for the future of the parish. We are hopeful for a brighter future based on our spirit of consolation and the Consolata way of doing mission; but above all, relying on the help of God who is the owner of the mission.



  1. Piero Demaria Avatar
    Piero Demaria

    I’m glad to see that our presence and mission in Hsinchu is growing. Praying for you!

    1. taiwanimc Avatar

      Thank you Piero, we are together in prayer.

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